Weekend Wanderings: Zoot Suit Not Required

Weekends commemorating the Second World War are hot in small towns. Be they money-makers or town get-togethers, World War II is a favorite central theme, though few veterans of that war are around to enjoy the festivities.

But that doesn’t stop later generations.

This past weekend, the tiny hamlet of Williamsport, Md., hosted its Third Annual World War II Weekend. Period movies, uniforms, fashion and entertainment were on tap.

Photo by Breeden's Action Photo
Photo by Breeden's Action Photo

American, German, Canadian and reenactors of assorted ilk set up their period war gear for all to see. The town fed the man-children like small towns are apt to do. There was a Salute to Soldiers parade through the streets for veterans, active duty and reenactors, something one rarely sees. Admission to World War II movies and newsreels was a whopping 50 cents.

There was a ‘40s fashion show and prayer service. Now a Williamsport tradition, few missed the ‘40s style USO dance, with a swinging foxtrot ensemble. Locals jumped and jived in Zoot suits and glided in period eveningwear. Reenactors broke out their best threads. For $5.00 one could dance for hours.

Similar events beg for attendees to help small towns through challenging times. Entrance fees, if charged, are nominal.

I went to the Williamsport dance. Plank flooring makes even a bad fox trot nearly impossible, but the band was superb. If you can stomach a guy who is the twin of “Hogan’s Heroes” Sgt. Schultz, you probably will enjoy a day (and night) in rural Maryland or the many other Williamsports out there that want to attract you, and honor vets while they’re at it.

Zoot suit not required.

Photo taken from Wikipedia: Popular Culture entry

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